Teaching - Final review meeting

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Teaching - Final review meeting
Teaching - Final review meeting

The TEACHINGH2020 consortium has been gathered the last Friday, on 20th of October, for the final review meeting of the project. Our partner, Harokopio University of Athens has hosted us on its premises, in Athens, Greece. The project was running for 42 months smoothly and efficiently, and by the end of this fruitful collaboration, we were all happy as we managed to reach the project milestones and developed a well-featured and multilayered platform. 

The project started in January 2020 and ended in June. Through this spectacular performance by all the partners and the dedicated effort, we have achieved all the #TEACHINGH2020 ‘s objectives. It is worth mentioning that within the project duration, initiatives for cross-project collaborations have been established, reaching in this way the dissemination and communication KPIs. Moreover, the idea of partnering together with 6 more EU-funded projects into the HRB Services and creating a Joint Cluster “NextGenCPSoS”, worked more than efficiently on behalf of the project purpose, and we all seek of enahancing into the development and the raise-awareness of the next generation of the Cyber-physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) You can find more info in TEACHING’s website, here.

Congratulations to all the partners and the researchers who have accompanied us within this 4years journey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the scientific and technical difficulties we have requested to face, the project ended with great feedback and encouragement to rethink the vision of TEACHING with ‘version2’, the TEACHING 2.0!