TEACHING - WP5 2nd Automotive Use Case: Integration & Study Days

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WP5 2nd Automotive Use Case
WP5 2nd Automotive Use Case1
WP5 2nd Automotive Use Case2
WP5 2nd Automotive Use Case3

As the TEACHING project is heading close to the end, the partners have met in person at AVL's premises in Austria, during the integration and study days for the second automotive study, from the 17th until the 28th of April 2023. The week was quite intensive and creative, and the consortium was impressed with the level of engagement from all the technical partners and the participants.

Rather than throwing ideas at a wall hoping that some stick, TEACHINGH2020 researches solutions that place humans in the centre of development. The outcomes have an increased chance of being well accepted by the end users. Also, the safer and more efficient mobility of the future can respond to user feelings by understanding their perception of how autonomous vehicles are being driven. To that extent, the second automotive study concentrates on drivers' feedback in safety-critical situations that are otherwise not testable on public roads.