WP4. Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS) software infrastructure for CPSoS

Lead Beneficiary: UNIPI

Duration: 1-36

This work package will design methodologies and realize tools to create the TEACHING Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS) software infrastructure for the CPSoS and its applications, together with the human-centric adaptive personalization mechanisms (Obj. 6).

As such, the activities within this work package are summarized as follows:

  • Provide a toolkit implementing distributed intelligence in terms of an AI as a service (AIaaS) system for CPSoS applications.
  • Develop AI methodologies specialized in the recognition and characterization of human physiological, cognitive and emotional state from heterogeneous sensing devices.
  • Realizing functionalities to self-adapt and personalize AI models exploiting the human state in a non-obtrusive fashion.
  • Design privacy aware AI methodologies to be bundled within the AI as a service toolkit.


D4.1. Initial report on the AIaaS system (Lead: UNIPI; Due: M10; R; P)
D4.2. Report on integrated mockup of the AIaaS system (Lead: UNIPI; Due: M20; DEM; P)
D4.3. Report on Final release of the AIaaS system (Lead: UNIPI; Due: M36; DEM; P)